Saturday, September 8, 2012

More Planetary Atlases!

We have three remarkable books available for those interested in planetary geology and exploration. 

The first is a NASA Atlas of Mercury. Published in 1979, this is a fascinating and wonderfully illustrated atlas of the innermost planet in our solar system. This isn't one you're likely to find in your local used book store!

Next up is another marvelous NASA publication from 1984. Voyager 1 & 2 Atlas of the Six Saturnian Satellites is a detailed collection of imagery assembled by the detailed analysis done by these two probes during their epic solar system journey. This is a meticulously organized atlas loaded with imagery and planetary mapping.

Finally, a copy of Planetary Landscapes by Ronald Greeley. Anyone interested in planetary geology will find this a highly useful and informative volume. 

NASA Atlas of Mercury  $28
Voyager 1 & 2 Atlas of the Six Saturnian Satellites  $60
Planetary Landscapes  $25

Interested? Contact scopefreaks(at)

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