Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cosmology Classics (A couple autographed!)

We've cobbled together six terrific books on the universe that are destined to keep you up late nights (if you're not outside with your telescope instead). Two of these great books are autographed by their respective authors.

The Black Hole War (Leonard Susskind, 2008)  $10
The Hidden Reality (Briane Greene, 2011) $27  **Autographed by Author**
How Old Is the Universe? (David Weintraub, 2011) $14
Many Worlds In One (Alex Vilenkin, 2007) $9
In Search of the Multiverse (John Gribbin, 2010) $7
The Whole Shebang (Timothy Ferris, 1997) $29  **Autographed by Author**

Interested? Contact scopefreaks(at)

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