Monday, September 10, 2012

ASAHI Super-Takumar Camera Lenses

We don't just deal in telescope stuff! We have three beautiful pieces of classic optical equipment to offer today in the form of Asahi Super-Takumar camera lenses. 

Anyone schooled in photography probably needs no introducing to these fine lenses. These are regarded among the elite lenses. Their stunning optics have been providing photographers with outstanding performance for decades.

Our three lenses are as follows.

1970s Super-Takumar 1:4/200mm $100
1970s Super-Takumar 1.4/50mm   $115
1970s Super-Takumar 1.8/55mm   $65

Optically speaking these excel at sharpness and contrast and are prized collectible and functional pieces some claim are superior to some of today's pricey lenses.

Interested? Contact scopefreaks(at)

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