Friday, August 31, 2012

Rectified Lunar Atlas (1963) - $85 **SOLD**

As part of G. P. Kuiper's Moon-mapping program of the late 50s and 60s a unique atlas of the limb regions was made, the Rectified Lunar Atlas by Whitaker, Kuiper, Hartmann and Spradley.

This large format, bound atlas showed each limb area as seen from directly overhead. Since this was made before lunar orbiters flew it was necessary to create it by projecting telescopic images of the Moon onto a large white sphere and then rephotographing the sphere from directly over the area of interest.

This is supplement #2 to the photographic atlas series. Now exceedingly rare, this volume is a treasure to astronomy book collectors and lunar fanatics. There is heavy wear on the spine of this volume but the pages are in great condition.

Interested? Contact scopefreaks(at)

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