Friday, August 31, 2012

Astronomy Books Galore!

We're clearing out our libraries here at Scope Freaks and have some good, collectible gems to offer.

We have some out of print classics among this little stash.

Above all, these are just great, informational and engrossing books for the astronomy-mongers out there!

Watchers of the Skies (Willy Ley, 1966)  $10
The face of Venus: the Magellan radar-mapping mission (NASA, 1995) $11
Atlas of the Solar System (Moore/Hunt, 1983) $9
All About Telescopes (Sam Brown, 1975) $5
Atlas of Neptune (Moore/Hunt, 1994) $6
Lowell & Mars (Hoyt, 1976) $9
Comets: A Descriptive Catalog (Kronk, 1984) $4
Mars: The Lure of the Red Planet Sheehan/O'Meara, 2001) $5
The Planet Venus (Marov/Grinspoon, 1998) $21 [Big beautiful volume!]
The Immortal Fire Within: The Life and Work of Edward Emerson Barnard (Sheehan, 1995) $45 [Out of Print classic]
The Search for Life on Mars: Evolution of an Idea (Cooper, 1980) $4
Planets and Perception: Telescopic Views and Interpretations, 1609-1909 (Sheehan, 1988) $8
The Moon (Wilkins/Moore, 1962) $9
Lunar Sourcebook: A User's Guide to the Moon (Heiken,Vaniman, French, 1991) $30 (Awesome out of print - tons of info)
The Explorers of Mars Hill: A Centennial History of Lowell Observatory, 1894-1994 (Putnam, 1994) $4
Smithsonian Book of Mars (Boyce, 2008) $6

Interested? Contact scopefreaks(at)

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