Friday, August 31, 2012

Garrett Optical Gemini 20x80 Astronomy Binoculars **SOLD**

Garrett Optical has been cranking out high-quality astronomy products for a while now and their Gemini series astro-binoculars are among our favorites. This pair of 20x80 binoculars is only a few months old and rarely used. 

They're essentially in the same condition we received them in and have given us some of the most spectacular hand-held views of the night sky we've ever had. Panning these across the milky way is truly a majestic experience. Most bright Messier objects are easily seen with these binoculars. They also perform well in a terrestrial role. Take them to a football game or to your favorite vacation spot.

Despite their size, they are lightweight and manageable and don't necessarily require a tripod, though having one would be a fine addition. We've trained these on the moon and can easily discern even moderate sized craters. They clearly show Jupiter and its moons and the rings of Saturn. A couple of solar filters would turn these bad-boys into a great sun-viewing apparatus. 

These binos come in a nice leather case and have their own lens caps. Retailing for $170, we are offering these up for just $135.

Interested? Contact scopefreaks(at)

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